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Winter Solstice Meditation Event

Winter Solstice Meditation Event

Join us for a candlelit group meditation guided by Lydia Lagenour on the Winter Solstice, Tuesday December 22! Class will be from 7:30-8:30pm. No experience necessary!!

This class is donation based. 10% of the donations will go to Shamrock Animal Shelter ☘ (local & non-profit) For more info about this organization:

Let us join together as a community and support one another as we transition into the next season.

Sign up below!

How to sign up? First select Quantity and then Click on "Register"


"Winter, while it can be one of the hardest seasons to embrace, has a lot to teach us about true beauty and wisdom. Stripped of her flowers, leaves, and warmth, the earth reveals her naked self through her skeleton branches and barren ground. She becomes completely simple, having discarded everything but the bare essentials. Her scarcity and fierceness command our respect and attention, and, without apology for not being a warm and gracious hostess, she retreats into frozen silence. When we look to nature as our teacher, we see that she’s reflecting back to us a prolonged opportunity to hibernate and renew." (Sara Avant Stover, 2011) 

Benefits of Meditation:

• Gives a capacity to withstand painful or negative emotions, and eventually dissolves them.
• Gives focus and clarity to the mind.
• Increases our capacity to understand and connect with others.
• Creates lightness, humor, and balance.
• Meditation makes us aware of the love that is the real underlying force in this world.
• Meditation gives us access to peace, love and joy that is not affected by outer circumstances.
• Meditation allows us to love and respect all of life.

What to bring? A yoga mat if you have one and a blanket or small pillow to sit on! Dress warmly - socks and such! 

Our goal? To make yoga fun & accessible for everyone. It can sometimes be intimidating going to a yoga class but we created this space to be a safe place for people to try yoga freely with no worries or judgement! You do not need know anything about yoga to take our classes. They are for all levels of experience. Beginners are more than welcome, they're encouraged!

Signed up but can't make class? If it turns out you cant make it to class just contact us so we can open that spot for someone else.

Questions? Feel free to email us at

Sincerely with open arms,

The Inner Warrior

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